The Compassionate Leaders' Edge

CLA Advance

CLA Advance is a series of intensive team workshops with coaching support, that delivers all the concepts, philosophies and tools of the CLA Digital online course in a focused and time efficient way.  Providing role-models for compassionate leadership throughout the organisation.

Be a role model

Long lasting behavioural and cultural change takes time - but not every Senior Leadership Team has the luxury of time.  Which is why we developed CLA Advance.  The same philosophies and tools as CLA Digital but delivered in a focused, time efficient masterclass.  CLA Advance gives senior managment the skills and knowledge to reinforce peer learning, act as role models and support the organisations shift to one of compassionate culture.

Features & Benefits


  • 4 x one day team masterclasses
  • 4 x one hour 1:1 coaching sessions
  • Accelerated access to CLA Digital course
  • Masterclass delivered by CLA accredited coaches
  • Content schedule front loaded to set foundations for later learning
  • Check In creating a safe & supportive space to learn


  • Create ambassadors for postive cultural change
  • Resolve issues as a team in your organisation
  • Share good practice
  • Discussion and sharing of concepts covered in modules
  • Embed the learning in the context of your organisation



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