The Compassionate Leaders' Edge

CLA Digital Online Course

A deliberately affordable, professionally accredited online course inspired by Manley Hopkinson's highly acclaimed book Compassionate Leadership, giving you the awareness and practical skills to be a compassionate leader.  Approved and accredited by The Institute of Leadership and certified by CPD. Currently available in 4 languages.

Become a Compassionate Leader

CLA Digital students gain a deep rooted sense of self-awareness and learn practical tools that can be applied every day.  The springboard to achieve greater success and the opportunity to be a truly compassionate leader.

Part 1 - Individual Authenticity

Designed to give you the MINDSET of a compassionate leader, recognising and accepting your authentic self.

Part 2 - Collective Brilliance

Designed to give you the knowledge and practical SKILLS to be compassionate leaders.  A toolkit to help you achieve this.
CLA Digital online course has been accredited and approved by The Institute of Leadership (IOL) and certified by CPD.

Upon completion of the course, you can choose to take advantage of our discounted membership to IOL.  This will automatically entitle you to be a MEMBER and the use post-nominal letters and digital credentials.

An extended CLA Digital online course (including 4 additional modules) has met the required Apprenticeship Standards for Level 5 - Operational & Departmental Manager.

27 Bitesize Modules

The online course is in two parts.  Part 1 develops self-worth, understanding and emotional intelligence.  Part 2 gives you the practical tools to be a Compassionate Leader

Interactive Activities

Interactive activities to challenge your knowledge and experience.  How does a compassionate leader react?  There are 4 review and test modules at keystages in the course.

Video Tutorials & Personal Tutor

Manley Hopkinson is your personal tutor throughout the course.  Manley will guide you with short inspirational professional videos, sharing his leadership lessons from around the world.

Downloadable Resources

Each module has a downloadable comprehensive document - to reference throughout the course.

Personal Development Plan

The PDP ensures that you stay on track and complete the course.  It takes time and discipline - change does not happen overnight.

Certificate & graduation

Certification is awarded at the end of the course.  The course is approved and recognised by the Institue of Leadership and certified by CPD.


Module 1 - Behind the Scenes: The Physiology Driving the Psychology

A look at the mindset of growth to set us up ready to learn.  Introducing an excellent model we can apply to ensure we are totally present and able to handle distractions.

Module 2 - The Truth Behind Changing Behaviour

A deeper understanding of how we learn, with discussions on neural pathways and the creation of "the highways of habit"

Module 3 - The Power of Purpose

Recognising that emotions have a massive part to play in driving our actions.  In this module we discuss and understand more about the power of purpose.

Module 4 - Story Theory

Discover how to inspire others with the power of story.

Module 5 - Leadership Lessons From Life

Manley shares some of his life lessons, things he learnt along the way and helped create the Compassionate Leadership course.

Module 6 - Leadership Lessons from The North Pole

Great lesssons, on teamwork, performance, success and personal resilience, all of them formative in the creation of commitment - the desired outcome of compassionate leadership.

Module 7 - Leadership Lessons from Sailing Around the World

Sharing the adventure and lessons learnt fom "the world's toughest yacht race".

Module 8 - The Big Journey

We bring together the theories we have discussed in the first few weeks of the course to create The Big Story - your story - revealing your inner motivational drivers.

Module 9 - Introduction Phase Test

The first phase of your compassionate leadership journey is complete.  The previous 8 modules have laid the foundations for the next part of the course.

Module 10 - Main Programme Introduction

Well done.  You are now in the main part of the compassionate leadership programme and are ready to learn more about the tools of a compassionate leader.

Module 11 - Communication

Looking at the principles of communication rather than the tools we might use. Understanding what impacts our ability to communicate effectively and effective group communications.

Module 12 - Delegation

Poor delegation has a dramatic and negative impact on staff engagement and commitment. It stops both personal and organisational growth. As a compassionate leader we are striving for commitment and performance.

Module 13 - Power & Influence

There is much confusion about what is power and where it comes from, and what enables one person to influence another. Clearly, a big part of leadership is in being able to influence. You could argue that it is the most important aspect in terms of organisational alignment and performance.

Module 14 - Time Management

Time is our most precious commodity. We can never get enough. The focus of this module is the emotional impact of poor time management.

Module 15 - 1st Test & Certification

Time for your first test to check your understanding of the modules you have completed to date.

Module 16 - Feedback

Feedback is about growth, about caring. Feedback is a cornerstone of compassion. So let us look at the mindset of feedback. What happens within us before, during and after some feedback.

Module 17 - Motivation

Understanding what motivates you, what lights your fire, is key to your own energy and drive. Tap into a persons inner motivations and the commitment through self-worth follows, driving action and performance.

Module 18 - Coaching

An introduction to a brilliantly simple and effective coaching tool called the GROW model.

Module 19 - Decision Making

I will introduce the extraordinarily brilliant Decision Line model that helps us individually and collectively to always make the right decision.

Module 20 - 2nd Test & Certification

Time for your second test, to check your understanding of the modules covered so far.

Module 21 - Situational Leadership

Learn what your natural situational leadership preference is and if it is likely to be effective,

Module 22 - Balanced Leadership

We need to re-balance our leadership priorities and that is just what we will do this week as we introduce John Adair’s powerful, timeless model on leadership that he calls Action Centred Leadership.

Module 23 - Building Trust

One of the main outcomes of being compassionate leaders is in building trust, in and from the people around you. Trust is a precursor to the commitment we strive for,  it is a word you hear much, but what actually is trust and how do we get it?

Module 24 - Johari

The superb Johari Window model is a simple and useful tool for illustrating and improving self-awareness, and mutual understanding between individuals.

Module 25 - 3rd Review & Test

Ok, so this is your final test. Well done on passing your previous tests. You are now close to understanding the principles compassionate leader.

Module 26 - Launch Pad

A whole course review to guide your personal mission statement, create an impact assessment and plan your future growth as a compassionate leader.  An opportunity to connect with fellow graduates, collect your certificate and complete the IoL accreditation process.  Hurrah.

Institute of Leadership

Take advantage of a special discount awarded to Compassionate Leadership graduates to become a MEMBER of the IOL.


The Compassionate Leadership Academy is growing daily.  We are delighted that as a global company,  CLA Digital has been translated into 4 languages and we are now creating sector specific CLA cultural change programmes.  
English - Romainian - Bulgarian - Lithuanian
Europe - Africa - Asia - Australsia - North America - South America
An inclusive leadership programme creating a collectively brilliant team.



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